Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce
We offer an affordable investment for annual membership with the Centre Wellington Chamber. All businesses in Centre Wellington are eligible for
membership. You can join the Chamber at any point in the year for a 12-month period, is renewable on the first of the month of joining.
Your membership invoice will show a $10 fee, this is a contribution to
Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC). The OCC is a significant force and is truly the voice of
business in Ontario. When the OCC speaks, Ontario cabinet ministers and senior bureaucrats listen.
RATES EFFECTIVE January 1, 2025:
* all rates are subject to HST *
# of Full Time Employees
2025 Annual Rate
$736 |
Additional Business * |
Student Rate
$73 |
Senior Retired Rate
$73 |
Not-For-Profit or Service Club |
Association Member Rate
50% off regular rate based on
number of full time employees
Joint Guelph Chamber
50% off regular rate based on
number of full time employees
Please note HST is applicable.
*If you have more than one business, the business with the largest number of employees is determined to
be Primary business and the business(es) with fewer employees is/are determined to be Additional Business(es). The Additional
Business Rate is used for each Additional Business you have registered with the Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce.