
Archive by month: 2023-10Return
September rolls around, and suddenly there's an undeniable buzz in the air. September is back to school, it’s when new projects begin, and everyone seems to be caught up in a whirlwind of planning for the coming months. While this energy can be contagious, and not all bad, it's important not to get swept away in the September Buzz and lose sight of what truly matters.
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What pitfalls should be avoided with employee contracts? One of the things that I see most frequently is employers not understanding the purpose of employment contracts, what areas of the law need to be covered and how they need to be worded.
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What does it mean to work ON your business vs IN your business? It's such an important thing as entrepreneurs, we get mired in the frustrations of working hard IN our business all the time. We don't give ourselves the opportunity to come back up and look at it from a strategic point of view.
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Chamber Teamwork

Membership Advantages for Your Business

Becoming a member offers you and your business many valuable benefits to your business.

Connect - opportunities for local businesses to connect for new mutually beneficial business opportunities.

Learn - educational and informative sessions pulled together by your Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce.

Benefit - access to some fantastic affinity programs, engaging committees and business advocacy working for your business community.

Celebrate Successes - we celebrate local business successes and highlight the local business community.